
Great News About the Roof

A version of this message is also going out to the parish mailing list—we really want to be sure you get it!

We write with amazing news on several fronts.
First, we are thrilled to let you know that we have received 32 pledges for our roof campaign, for a total of $106,038 committed over the next several years toward the work so desperately needed at Christ Church this year. From our newest to our oldest members, from graduate students to professional families to retirees, it is only through the strength and diversity of our congregation that we have met this incredible milestone.

We write with thanks for the generosity of this parish, but also with the equally astonishing (and perhaps even less expected) news that our insurance provider, Church Insurance, has agreed to pay for the roof replacement itself due to a catastrophic hail storm over the summer that further impacted our already fragile roof. Because we did not know what the outcome of the insurance evaluation would be or the scope of the covered repairs, we began our campaign at the same time as we began pursuing that claim. The good news is that much of what is required is covered. The vestry authorized Wellesley Roofing to pursue the claim on our behalf, and they have successfully navigated that process along with our building committee and wardens. An independent adjuster has approved the work for the roof proper totaling $203,000 and the work is scheduled to begin in early to mid-May.

We also knew, as has become clear, that a roof isn’t “just a roof.” In addition to the roof itself, siding, under roof decking, gutters, and downspouts will also need to be replaced. At this moment, we are in discernment over an additional $61,000 of work that has been proposed for things like gutters, siding, and an additional decking system for water sealing and insulation. More structural issues may come up as we begin demolition, as well.

If you’d like to talk more about what is to come or share any concerns, please contact wardens Chris Leonardo or Sasha Killewald. Doug Whittington can answer any questions about the roof process as well. Given that the project is happening very soon and pledges are given over a period of years, we are in contact with the Diocese to discuss our financing options. And, of course, our 2011 capital campaign continues, with renovations of downstairs bathrooms and more to come.

All thanks to you and to God for the amazing things happening at Christ Church!

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