
From the Rector: COVID 19 Cases Rising; Back to Virtual Worship

This post was originally published in the November 20th, 2020 edition of the E-Crier.

From The Rector: COVID 19 Cases Rising; Back to Virtual Worship

By now, you may have heard the announcement that we return to virtual services this Sunday, November 22, 2020. I understand that we enjoyed seeing each other during the short lived in person services. But the growing numbers of COVID 19 cases forced our regathering team to recommend to the Vestry that we start virtual services again. We made this decision long before the Bishops' directive to halt in person services. This testifies to the fact that our regathering team is taking its role very seriously. We owe them a great deal of gratitude.

The rising numbers of COVID 19 infections across the nation is cause for great concern. Yet these numbers come at the time when we are tempted to ignore the seriousness of this pandemic. Of course, we have lived with it for months and the temptation to ignore basic guidelines is high. But the numbers of deaths and hospitalizations prove that the pandemic is as deadly as before. I understand the pain of applying sanitizer, wearing masks, washing hands and even social distancing. These acts seem to make our lives terrible. Nonetheless, they are acts of love and service to each other.

The gospel reading for this Sunday calls on us to serve Jesus in the least of us-the vulnerable or those on the margins. While the text has been understood to speak to the poor, its application to the current pandemic is befitting. We must do everything possible to ensure that we do our part to stop the spread of this virus. Let us do it for the sake of one another and all those we love. Think about first responders, healthcare workers and all those who are putting their lives at risk to ensure that we survive this pandemic. 

I am thankful for Erin Jensen and her team who have risked a lot to provide diapers to the needy. I am thankful for Sue Burkhart and her team who have stood outside to ensure that seniors get food. I ask you to pray for them as they serve the least of Jesus's sisters and brothers.

But we have to do our part too. By avoiding the risky situations and adhering to scientific guidelines, we are serving Christ in one another. As we look forward to Thanksgiving, I ask you to do everything possible to halt the spread of the virus. Let us pray for each other as we do our best to address this pandemic. 

I look forward to seeing you at our Virtual Fieldstone Fair Dinner this evening. Thanks to Mary, Christine and Greta for making it possible.

Please join us for our Sunday service on our YouTube Channel at 10 am.

In Christ,
Rev. Kapya

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