Episcopal Church 101

06 May 2014 | 07:00 pm

We cover topics in church history, Episcopal polity, Spirituality, liturgy, prayer, and the Church’s Positions on Contemporary Moral Issues. This class is designed for newcomers as well as those who have decided to be confirmed or received (if you were confirmed in another denomination) as Episcopalians, for whom there is also a half day retreat. In 2014, Confirmation is on May 31 and we meet on Tuesday evenings at 7pm.

This year’s classes will be:

  • May 6: The beginnings of the Anglican Church and the foundations of Anglicanism; The Episcopal Church in the US: polity, governance, and our diocese
  • May 13: The Prayer Book and the Sacraments; Spirituality: Prayer, Scripture; Shape of the liturgy
  • May 20: The Church’s Positions on Contemporary Moral Issues
  • May 27: Episcopal/Anglican Resources for Personal Prayer
  • TBD: Retreat for confirmation class and those to be received